
  • How to Use Product Variants and Product Customizer for best effect

    Product Customizer will allow you to do multiple customizations, which include text fields, multi-line options, and the ability to upload images. Product Customizer does NOT allow you to create options with price changes. Usually it is best to use the Shopify Variants to create the options which will change the price, and then add all other customizations with Product Customizer (in your Shopify Admin> under Products> click Customize your Product with ProductCustomizer). Here is a quick tutorial to get you started:

    When Creating a new product use Shopify's Variant Options to add variants that affect the price of your product
    Picture 1: Shopify Variants

    When Creating Customizations that do not affect the price use Product Customizer
    Picture 2: How to Customize with Product Customizer

    To use Product Customizer go to your Shopify Admin> under the Products tab> at the top of the page

    1) Then click

    2) Then enter in your shop URL to continue to the customization page